What is KUBO Play?
arrow_back_iosBackKUBO PLAY is a digital coding platform designed for students to start coding in elementary school. Teach coding in a virtual setting at school and let students practice their new skills at home.
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Learn more about the benefits
For Students
One Virtual Robot per Student
Each student gets access to their own digital playground with a personal KUBO robot and the possibility to build code and create stories as they see fit.
Practice Anywhere, Anytime
The app is available in the browser or via an app for tablet and phone. This allows the student to both practice in school or at home.
3 Different Learning Modes
Practice Mode: Progress at your own pace
Story Mode: Embark on adventures with KUBO and its friends
Free Play: Create your own code and stories
Gamified Learning
Exploring, having fun, and learning go hand in hand, making education enjoyable.
For Teachers
Standards-aligned Lesson Plans
KUBO offers a full curriculum with lessons designed in alignment to main STEM principles and Common Core Standards.
Low Preparation Time
With our ready-to-leWith our ready-to.use curriculum and comprehensive quick start guides you can start teaching with KUBO in no time.arn curriculum, you can start almost right away
Track Students’ Progress
Set up an online classroom with few clicks and use Classroom Management to easily track students’ progress.
Tailor Individual Tasks
Personalize each student’s coding journey by assigning tasks individually based on the student’s needs.